Paul Yu

Content Creator

#35 - The couch is a death sentence to my productivity

2024/4/15 Monday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #78

  • How can I do better? How can I do more? Yesterday I sat on the couch after lunch and did not follow my calendar. Sitting on the couch is a death sentence to my productivity. So the solution is to not sit down on the couch. Maybe I can sit on the floor and stretch for a bit before getting up and leaving, but probably better to avoid the couch altogether.
  • At least I've been limiting my YouTube watch time for the last 3 days, I should keep that up and also cut out most of TV too.
  • I should plan social things twice a week.

#34 - Work out before or after breakfast?

2024/4/14 Sunday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #77

  • How can I do more? How can I do better? Plan my day/time block before I start my day/after I make my daily video. If I leave it blank, that's a recipe for disaster/lazy ass day.
  • If you want to gain muscle, work out after breakfast. If you want to lose fat, work out before breakfast. Shit. I want to do both…
Work Out Before or After Breakfast: What to Eat | Signos
Ashley Pitt, CPT, Pn1, helps you choose between fed and fasted morning workouts based on your performance and weight loss goals.

#33 - Back from Germany, time to get super productive

2024/4/9 Tuesday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #74

  • Uncle sent a video about exercise for longevity. Do steady cardio 1-3 hours per week, do sprints/heavy cardio as well. Walk 10,000 steps every day. Weight lift for 1+ hours per week.
  • Going to limit YouTube and TV time. This is key. If I do this I will automatically be so much more productive. Read more books, take notes, instead of screen time.
  • How can I do better? How can I do more? Follow my calendar.

#32 - Gotta get off the couch

2024/3/21 Thursday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #73

  • Yesterday I met 종국 Jongkook at the gym as I was coming down the stairs (he was coming down behind me) by just commenting he has an ideal body. He asked me where I was from and we got a conversation started, getting to know each other.
  • 종국 Jongkook inspired me to try and hit the gym every single day. Healthy body, healthy mind.
  • I haven't been following my calendar even when I set it. At least I'm time-logging. But I'm not following my time blocking.
  • Just gotta get off the couch. If I get off the couch I know I can be super productive and follow my calendar.

#31 - Notes from Reality Transurfing and God-realization

2024/3/7 Thursday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #71

  • There is no such thing as coincidence
  • Your world takes care of you
  • Everything is turning out as it should
  • This whole experience of yours is all there is.
  • You created this limited experience so that you could play the game of life instead of being infinite and boring.
  • There is only you. There is only God experiencing itself.
  • The number one thing is to be patient, to accept everything that is happening to you as good.
  • My world takes care of me. It certainly has up to this point and it will continue to do so.
  • You are the master of your fate.

#30 - You should be ashamed of yourself

2024/3/6 Wednesday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #70

  • Hamza said you should be ashamed of yourself. The point is to feel bad about where you are now so that you take action to change that. I think it's effective, more effective than what I wrote in my phone previously, which was, “you are realizing your full potential.” Andrew Huberman said negative visualization is stronger when you don't want to do the work.
  • I should get at least 4-5 hours of solid YouTube work in per day. That's an extra video per day. That's a lot but I can do it. Problem will be idea generation.
  • Yesterday, pacing was effective in generating three ideas. In fact, pacing might be better for idea generation than walking outside because walking outside I'm always paying attention to my nature surroundings which doesn't help with idea generation. I'll give pacing at home a try for idea generation.

#29 - World’s shortest productivity course

2024/3/4 Monday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #69

  • I'm very inefficient in the morning, I could get way faster.
  • In the YouTube video, the world's shortest productivity course, the advice is to set minimal goals, a maximum of 5, then schedule your day and do deep work. When you're stuck during work or don't want to do it, pace back and forth (from Dr. K).
  • My two goals right now are to build my body and make good videos. Hanging out with friends would be a third goal.
  • Time logging is great because it's good to see how I'm spending my time. Lots of yellow means wasting time, lots of purple means I'm taking care of my body, and lots of red means I'm working hard on videos.

#28 - Serious start to time blocking and time logging

2024/3/1 Friday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #67

  • Today I watched the video Gabby sent me, Rian Doris talking about time blocking and time logging. Funny how Niels has been telling me the exact same thing and I was kind of doing it, but Rian Doris made me take it seriously to a whole other level, color coding and time logging almost absolutely everything in my calendar like Niels.
  • Can't help but think Gabby was meant to send me this video because we haven't even been messaging at all.
  • Time blocking and time logging will change my life. I can feel myself getting closer to reaching my potential even if it's just the beginning.
  • It's only been 2 weeks since I started going to the gym every day and one week since I started logging my time. Today is the start of serious time logging, getting into the minute details.
  • Poor Mochi got knee surgery in the morning. Away for two nights.