Paul Yu

Content Creator

#51 - YouTube is no longer my hobby, it’s my job now

2024/6/11 Tuesday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #111

  • Jon Jon checked that I earned a cumulative $19 up to yesterday from AdSense. My videos are making me money.
  • Chase is right. YouTube is no longer a hobby for me. It's my job. I'm actually getting paid to make videos now. Okay, I better not slack off like I have been for the last week. Let's work hard and it'll pay off big time eventually. LET'S DO THIS

#50 - Walking solves most of your problems?

2024/6/9 Sunday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #109

  • One thing I got from Leon Hendrix yesterday was: don't have screen time before 1 pm. Then you'll naturally focus on work.
  • Dan Koe said if you feel bored, go on a walk. If you feel uninspired, go on a walk. I am both bored AND uninspired. Dan Koe said most of your problems can be relieved, if not solved, by going on a walk. Let's see if he's right. Time to test it out.
The Power Of Long Walks (15,000 Steps A Day Changed My Life) - Dan Koe
Long walks are the secret to a lean body and mind. Long walks are the ultimate habit.

#49 - Walking 20,000 steps takes 3 hours

2024/6/8 Saturday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #108

  • I didn't realize that walking 20,000 steps takes 3 hours. I thought it takes like 2 hours, but no. 3 fucking hours. Do I really want to do this challenge?

#48 - My next challenge: 20,000 steps a day

2024/6/7 Friday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #107

  • I think I'm going to go for the 20,000 steps a day challenge for seven days. I'm in a bit of a rut and I need the thing that'll get me out of this. Okay, I have my why. To lose a bit of weight and to get out of a rut. I might want to split it up into morning walk and later walk instead of doing it all at once. I'm getting excited for this. LET'S ACTUALLY DO THIS!!! Time to get my shit together.
  • Will schedule my whole day now, previous days I only scheduled one or two things but time to fill in all the blanks. Thanks for reminding me, Niels.

#47 - What now?

2024/6/5 Wednesday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #105

  • What do I do now that I posted my "I quit social media for 7 days" video? The response seems good, people seem to like it, but I gotta move on to the next video.
  • Timmy said to make the best videos you can without worrying about upload schedule. In that case, focus on quality. But that's not even the issue right now. The issue is the idea.
  • I could do book reviews, that's an idea, although I don't know if it'll get loads of views.
  • I guess I could search YouTube for ideas, challenges that people have done, and do them myself.

#46 - Now that my no-social-media challenge is over

2024/6/2 Sunday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #103

  • Now that my no-social-media challenge is over, what will I do about watching YouTube? Will I continue to ban myself from it? It was good when I was reading a lot. Time better spent reading than binging YouTube. Definitely should limit myself at least. Gotta watch less, read more.

#45 - How to not run out of things to say

2024/5/30 Thursday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #100

  • Four things I learned from Leo Gura on how to not run out of things to say: make observations of all sorts, make stupid assumptions of all kinds, say stupid shit that comes into your mind, talk about yourself more (your past, present things on your mind, and future dreams)

#44 - Write/read your goals every day

2024/5/28 Tuesday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #98

  • I read the book Slight Edge yesterday. The author says that if you want to make your goals come true, write it down (make it specific and time-bound), make a plan, and read it every day. I’ve been writing my goals down whenever they changed, but it’s time to write them every morning next to my gratitude writing.
  • My goals are to go to the gym 5 times a week and read every day.
  • I have stopped brainstorming video ideas since I’m working on my one no-social-media challenge video, but I better come up with more.