Author 59 Posts
Paul Yu

Paul Yu


#19 - Weekly review, NoFap not making a difference

2024/1/20 Saturday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #52

  • Weekly review. Well the week started off pretty badly with me slacking but then the last 3 days I started exercising in the morning before breakfast.
  • I need to add stretching into my daily routine.
  • I haven't felt any difference in motivation or anything like that from NoFap. maybe NoFap works for some people and not for others? It's been 19-20 days of NoFap.

#18 - Manifestation by Steve Harvey

2024/1/19 Friday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #51

  • I watched Steve Harvey for the second time telling me to write down 300 things I want and he said in a year's time 30+ things that's 10%+ will have come true. He said, “I dare you.” The first time I didn’t take action. This time I did.
  • You have not because you ask not. Write it down. Read it every morning and night. In Steve Harvey's case, 300 things.
  • This is a form of manifestation I'm willing to do.
  • I have 50 on my list right now. You are as flexible and strong and look like Bruce Lee, you enjoy daily exercise, you are a flute master, I didn't mention anything about pets but I said you don't have to worry about vet bills, just a bunch of different ways of saying you're ridiculously rich.

#17 - Cut down phone time

2024/1/18 Thursday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #50

  • Iman's phone diet video said if you want to succeed, the first step is to cut down on phone time. That is so true.
  • This morning I haven't checked any of my notifications, I'll do that after lunch.
  • How about this for my morning routine? Wake up, stream of Consciousness writing, workout, breakfast, walk.
  • I should read Atomic Habits again. Chase was telling me that I should read one chapter and implement it, one day at a time.
  • I should calendar today. Flute would be good today it's been two weeks since I last played.

#16 - On manifestation, making the best videos possible

2024/1/17 Wednesday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #49

  • Regarding manifestation, is it really worth thinking about it all day every day? I just wrote on my phone home screen again, make the best videos you can. That seems like a better focus than, you will earn a shit ton of money.
  • I have to make more videos in addition to my daily videos. Like my kevjumba video pulled in a new sub who watches me daily. I can pull in new people using catchy topics.
  • I should at least try imagining I have everything I want as I'm falling asleep. That’s from the book, Feeling is the Secret.
  • Remember, the most important thing above all else is to feel good now and be thankful.

#15 - Going to Korea this year

2024/1/16 Tuesday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #48

  • Gotta buy a ticket to 서울 (Seoul, Korea). Maybe April.
  • I should also buy a MacBook so I can make videos in Korea.
  • Just thinking about making videos in Korea is a hassle.

#14 - Downside of dating

2024/1/13 Saturday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #47

  • Mind is cluttered with whether it’s going well or not with a girl. This is why I don't like online dating or dating in general. Not just sucking up time bandwidth but also mental bandwidth as well.
  • Before online dating I was just focused on my books and improving myself and what to share on my videos. Now I'm more scatterbrained.
  • I feel like I could do/be more. This online dating is holding me back. Then again I don't think it's a bad thing to talk to and meet women. I'll just try it for a month and then stop.
  • After a month I think it's time to focus on myself again and maybe try again when I'm making money from YouTube.

#13 - Girls’ hearts, I want to break free

2024/1/12 Friday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #46

  • I started online dating. Funny how quickly girls’ hearts can turn around. But that’s okay. I was fine before meeting any girls and I’ll be fine after rejection. I’ll let go of all expectations and negativity.
  • I want to break free, not hold on to feelings. I really want to be free, unblocked. (Finished reading Letting Go last night)
  • I need to calendar every day in the morning or whenever, time block/schedule the day. Calendar is key to reaching my goals, although yesterday went well even though I did not use a calendar.

#12 - Calendar worked yesterday, online dating?

2024/1/10 Wednesday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #44

  • Yesterday I completed what I set out on my calendar although I didn't plan the whole day.
  • I should definitely plan my day today again. The calendar worked yesterday.
  • Should I do online dating today, that is a question. It'll be a massive time suck, which sucks. I guess the only way to find out is to try it. I can always stop at any time.