Author 59 Posts
Paul Yu

Paul Yu


#27 - Time to get lean, be more social at the gym

2024/2/28 Wednesday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #66

  • I really need to make my mornings more efficient.
  • I need to feel hungry. I haven't felt hungry and over a week.
  • I want to get super lean like Bruce Lee. I guess that means I should only have fruits after lunch and not eat dinner. I can do that. I'll practice being hungry.
  • I talked to a guy at the gym for the first time. Isgandar. I should have asked which country specifically he's from. I should guess next time. Remember Mark Manson said to always make guesses instead of asking questions.
  • I want to be more social at the gym but I guess I'm holding back since not a lot of people talk to each other. I remember when I was at the YMCA and asked a guy how he built his shoulders, he showed me his full shoulder routine. Guys must be nice like him in general. I should give compliments to people at the gym.
  • Let's get a lot done today. Remember Dr. K said you only live for one day and a random person will wake up in your body tomorrow. Make the most out of today.

#26 - Focus on 2 things every day (gym, calendar)

2024/2/20 Tuesday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #63

  • Just came back from the gym for the third day in a row. Cycled for 1.5 hours today. My biceps are still sore. I'll do chest and back tomorrow if my biceps don't hurt.
  • I haven't been talking to anyone when I go to the gym other than good morning to the front desk people. I guess I should at minimum be saying hi to people? As I pass by?
  • Yesterday I set my intention to work on two things every day. 1) gym first thing in the morning and 2) use a calendar every day. Those are the only two things I'm going to focus on for now. So gym and calendar every day baby!!!
  • YouTuber Tozak said to do stream-of-consciousness writing when you have writer's block. Mark Manson said to allocate writing time blocks where you sit down and either do nothing or write. I wonder if I should do that for new video scripts, for that extra video on top of my dailies.
  • I should schedule stretching time or else I'm not going to do it. I'll schedule it for tonight. Remember, one who is supple and flexible is a disciple of life. The dead are stiff.
  • There is definitely some value from YouTube videos but the ratio of content consumed to good information that I implement is low. Maybe one 1/10 videos are useful for one piece of advice that I take action on.

#25 - The start of my gym journey

2024/2/18 Sunday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #62

  • Just went to the gym for the first time this morning. Arms and shoulders today. Shoulders, biceps, triceps. Spent 50 minutes working out.
  • I think going to the gym as soon as I wake up is a fantastic way to start the day. I feel motivated because I went to the gym first thing in the morning.
  • I'm excited about growing muscles and getting really fit in 6 months. Google said it takes 2 months to get noticeable improvements in muscle growth. 2 months from now is the end of April. Let's see what I look like then.
  • Omelet is such a good breakfast. 3 eggs, spinach, mushrooms, turkey, cheese.

#24 - My inspiring accountability partner Niels

2024/2/14 Wednesday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #61

  • Niels has 3-4 sessions 1.5 hours each of work in the morning. How inspiring. I can do so much in the morning. I should get done a shitload like Niels in the morning.
  • I'm so glad I have Niels, oh my God. People would pay thousands of dollars to have an accountability partner like Niels. He's almost like a mentor in some aspects like discipline even though he's 16 years old.

#23 - Going to write down daily goals every day

2024/2/11 Sunday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #60

  • Tika said write down your goals including your daily goals. So in addition to reading my long-term goals, I'll write my daily goals on paper every day.
  • When time blocking/scheduling my day I'll try not to pack too much in one day. I'll give myself leeway so I can actually stick to my schedule instead of being overwhelmed.
  • My family is going away for a week so I'll have the whole week to myself, I'm freer than usual. I don't want to just game a shitload and be a bum. It'll be a real test of how well I can control myself. I'll balance my day with things I want to do and things I want to get done.
  • Chase said to try something new this week. Should I go to spin class? I'll think about what I want to try.

#22 - I should stream more

2024/1/31 Wednesday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #56

  • Niels said I need to use a calendar like him. I feel resistant towards using a calendar. I should still do it regardless, make a plan I want to follow instead of being a tyrant.
  • Haven't been walking regularly for weeks. Walking should be a staple again, especially when I have the morning free.
  • My fans want me to stream more. I should definitely get back into it. I should schedule streaming on a bidaily or even daily basis. It could force me to play the flute, which is in line with my goals.
  • In addition to streaming if I want to have content for my daily videos I have to read whenever I have time. It'll be a packed day where I can't waste any time. That might be a good thing. I should try it.

#21 - Trying to be thankful throughout the day

2024/1/24 Wednesday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #54

  • This morning I again got my workout in before breakfast. It's good to wake up early, I got up before 7:00 a.m. Let’s make this a habit.
  • Again, today I'll try to refrain from checking my phone for no reason.
  • I'm trying to be thankful throughout the day. On my phone, I wrote, "Thanks for everything, I have no complaints whatsoever." Trying to repeat it like a mantra. I think repeating that is better than a manifestation mantra like, "You are monetized."

#20 - Treat phone usage like drug addiction

2024/1/23 Tuesday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #53

  • This week onwards I want to get my phone usage handled.
  • Treat your phone like a drug addiction.
  • If you get your phone usage handled you can have a much better life in one year and a remarkable life in 5 years, a life that people remark about. (Cal Newport said that.)
  • The difficult part is going to be checking my phone for no apparent reason, just picking it up and checking it by habit.
  • If I get this handled, it'll drastically change my life.
  • I spend 4 hours on my phone every day so it's extremely important that I get my phone usage handled. It's the difference between an old infant and a remarkable life.
  • It'll be an ongoing struggle. Will need to review my progress on a regular basis.