Author 59 Posts
Paul Yu

Paul Yu


#58 - What can you do to be more successful?

2024/8/17 Saturday

Let me share something that I’ve been reading over and over again from the book Hell Yeah or No: what’s worth doing

I can’t help but think, maybe he’s on to something. What if I dedicate 4 hours every day to completely disconnect? I want to find out.

#57 - Started livestream vlogs

2024/7/16 Tuesday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #119

  • It’s been almost a month since my last stream-of-consciousness writing. The reason I’m writing this is because Austin Kleon in the book Keep Going said he handwrites journals every morning and he also said to read them regularly to see what you pay attention to.
  • Started livestream vlogging yesterday, partly because I miss having a record of daily videos I can look back on and partly because of what Austin Kleon said that I mentioned above. One thing I’ll miss is that there’s no Mochi the dog and Tigger the cat montage at the end. Maybe I’ll watch them on my screen at the end to show them?
  • I don’t think I’ll monetize livestream vlogs. People hate ads, Nicolas Cole said in his book, The Art and Business of Online Writing. Plus my vlogs will hardly get any views anyways.
  • Am I going to write online? I mean not just on my blog but on some social media platform. I don’t know if it’s worth the extra time when my focus is YouTube.

#56 - Feedback on my shitty texting

2024/6/18 Tuesday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #117

  • I’ve been shitty at texting girls. I don’t text that often and I don’t know what to text, so many interactions have ended because of that. After asking her, one girl gave me feedback on my shitty texting. The following is what she said:
  • If you're interested in me, you'd think about me and be excited to talk to me, but you're not so. Why can't you initiate a conversation? If you like me, show me. Check up on me. No need to play games. There's no such thing as boring texts if someone likes you and you like them. Be interested in what I do, how my day's going, update me on whatever you're doing. Why do you only want to text me at night? There’s no such thing as boring questions. I feel more appreciated if you text me often. Actions speak louder than words.
  • That was super valuable to hear. Even with girls I’ve been interested in my texting has been so shitty. Time to learn from this feedback.

#55 - Valuable tips from a lecture on writing

2024/6/16 Sunday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #115

  • Yesterday I listened to a lecture on writing while doing my 20,000 steps. Know who your audience is, what they want, why your writing is valuable to them. You can say, "you're wrong", one way to get their attention. Assume they don't trust you and are looking for any reason to stop reading/listening. So make every sentence count, making them more interested and entertained. Always think about the audience, what they want to hear, like having their problems solved, questions answered, thoughts challenged. Ask a question they have and then answer it.
  • Tozak made a new video saying become sensitive to input by being in nature and being still. Does that really help with creativity? Timmy also said pay attention to your input.

#54 - Walking 20,000 steps yesterday was miserable by the end

2024/6/15 Saturday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #114

  • Yesterday's 20,000 steps were miserable by the end. It was Day 5 of my 7-day challenge. My feet were hurting and I was tired of walking. Even while listening to Dr. K, by the end it felt like too much walking.
  • My Samsung Galaxy Fit 3 smart fitness band/watch arrived yesterday. We'll see how long I use it.
  • It's a constant struggle to get myself to schedule my whole day.

#53 - Walking 20,000 steps is helping me fall asleep quickly

2024/6/13 Thursday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #113

  • Yesterday was Day 3 of 20,000 steps. Last night I fell asleep within 20 minutes even though I went to bed an hour earlier than the night before at 10 pm instead of 11 pm. Seems like walking 20,000 steps is definitely helping with falling asleep quickly.

#52 - Studies on the power of music and praising/complimenting

2024/6/12 Wednesday

Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #112

  • Yesterday I listened to two podcasts by Huberman during my Day 2 of walking 20,000 steps. Let's review what I learned.
  • Music changes the frequency of your brain. It affects your emotions and mood. Listening to novel music is good for you. When you're sad, listening to slow, sad songs for 13 minutes helps. If you want to feel happier, listen to 9 minutes of generally fast songs. Music boosts motivation. Music boosts focus and learning if you listen during breaks. Silence or white noise, brown noise, or 40 Hz binaural beats are the best for focusing.
  • Always praise effort, not innate ability. Praising effort enhances performance, and praising innate ability does the opposite.