#60 - “Write more” by Dan Koe

2024/11/7 Thursday

Most successful people write every single day.

It's their first lever-moving task.

They write:

  • Video scripts
  • Newsletters
  • Emails and outreach
  • Advertisements
  • Social posts
  • Threads
  • Articles
  • Landing pages
  • Books, eBooks, and guides
  • Education products

If you're a freelancer, creator, creative, coach, founder, or simply a beginner looking for a way to set themselves up for a lucrative future of independent work:

Writing is the foundation of your success.

You can have a product or service, but if you don't have an audience (from writing) then you don't have a business. You have a hobby. Or just a way to feel like you're making progress.

Write for 1-2 hours in the morning.

—Dan Koe