2024/6/18 Tuesday
Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #117
- I’ve been shitty at texting girls. I don’t text that often and I don’t know what to text, so many interactions have ended because of that. After asking her, one girl gave me feedback on my shitty texting. The following is what she said:
- If you're interested in me, you'd think about me and be excited to talk to me, but you're not so. Why can't you initiate a conversation? If you like me, show me. Check up on me. No need to play games. There's no such thing as boring texts if someone likes you and you like them. Be interested in what I do, how my day's going, update me on whatever you're doing. Why do you only want to text me at night? There’s no such thing as boring questions. I feel more appreciated if you text me often. Actions speak louder than words.
- That was super valuable to hear. Even with girls I’ve been interested in my texting has been so shitty. Time to learn from this feedback.