2023/11/29 Wednesday
Notes from my stream of consciousness writing #23
- I changed my blog to the format I want (scroll of my posts from newest to oldest) thanks to Willow Ghost https://ghostdev.xyz/ who did it for free! That was really nice of her. She edited an existing theme called Attila and it works.
- I think I’ll post these stream-of-consciousness writings, or at least their bullet points after writing them by hand first.
- Today I was not efficient with my time again. It all comes down to using a calendar. Time blocking. I really don’t want to use one but it might be good for me.
- On the issue of NoFap, my 13-day streak ended. I won’t pay attention to keeping a streak going anymore. I’m not super addicted to porn, watching it every day for a long time. I watch a few minutes once in a while to jack off then turn it off quickly. When I look at others who write about sex talking about masturbation, like the writer of Sperm Wars, there doesn’t seem to be any benefit for not ejaculating. When I try it for a couple weeks it’s not like it helped me in the way I talk to girls I’m attracted to. It did not help me in any way.